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Advanced Education for Executives and Professionals.

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The Technical University of Munich (TUM) offers you ideal conditions for lifelong learning.

Our advanced education programs are tailored to the needs of professionals and range from short one-day workshops and certifications with industry standard to full academic master’s degrees awarded by the Technical University of Munich. Individual leadership development programs, flexible online formats, and customized programs for organizations are also part of TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning’s advanced education offerings. Grow with us!

Zeugnisverleihung TUM

Master & MBA

Our study program for executives and professionals.

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Mann erklärt Quantencomputer

Certificate Programs

Wide range of advanced training opportunities for professionals.

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Zwei Organisationspartner schütteln sich die Hände

For Organizations

Tailor-made offers for companies and international universities.

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Our Program Finder gives you a quick and easy overview of all programs and allows you to select according to your preferences.

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Four reasons to choose the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Utilize the TUM ecosystem, benefit from the university’s entrepreneurial mindset, and connect cutting-edge findings from research, technology advancement, and practical applications.

  • Unite research and practice.

    TUM is a pioneer in the development of new technologies and a leader in natural and social sciences. From medicine to management to leadership – the TUM Schools cover the entire range of disciplines in continuing education. We draw on their knowledge and transfer cutting-edge research to the needs of individuals and organizations from industry.

  • Foster a responsible mindset.

    The content, teaching and design of our programs are characterized by a value driven approach: We are convinced that only a responsible mindset will help us tackle the current and future challenges society faces in an effective and sustainable way.

  • Use the potential of technology-enhanced learning.

    At TUM, we develop and integrate the latest technology-enhanced teaching and learning methods within our further education programs. Always having the goals of our participants in mind, we follow a learning approach that is both structured and individualized to help them reach their full potential.

  • Profit from an excellent international network.

    TUM’s unique network consists of leading research institutions, renowned companies and cutting-edge start-ups. In our continuing education programs, we promote interdisciplinary exchange and network our participants and alumni with partners from academia and business.

One of Germany’s best universities

One of Germany’s best universities

The Technical University of Munich regularly ranks among the top universities in Germany and Europe in national and international rankings, such as the Shanghai Ranking, QS, THE, and the Global Employability Ranking.

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What our Alumni say

Silvia Hilpert
One of the most valuable and rewarding experiences during the Executive MBA program has been being able to expand my professional network with extraordinary people from across industries, and different disciplines. I was able to gain new insights from their diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
Christoph Spinner
My enrollment to the Executive MBA Business & IT program was driven by my passion to gain a deeper understanding of digital transformation and to expand my theoretical and practical management skills. The program provides a perfect mix of management, leadership, and IT with outstanding lecturers and tutors. In conclusion, highly recommendable!
Responsible Leadership is a mindset. It requires commitment, yet the reward is worth it. The program equipped me with the knowledge and skills for responsible leadership in a time of technological disruption – making thoughtful, informed decisions not just to navigate disruption, but to embrace new technologies, foster innovation and progress, all in an environment based on trust.
The course is for the Ag professionals from the Ag professionals. It is a perfect environment not just to stay up to date but to generate new ideas with sparring partners on the same level, from the same industry but slightly different disciplines, opening up completely new horizons. I enjoyed every second of it!
The program provided an excellent environment to learn new methods how to consider unforeseeable changes in the competitive environment. I liked especially the opportunities to reflect the learning with practical examples, and the personal coaching for an own case.
The Double Degree with HEC Paris offers the perfect mix of management theory and practice. The coursework teaches important theories and frameworks, for example identifying trends in the market and creating solutions for these opportunities. Networking during and after my study experience in Paris and Munich was extremely beneficial for both my personal and professional development.
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TransBIB – Transfernetzwerk zur Beschleunigung der Industriellen Bioökonomie

Über 20 Akteure aus den Beispielregionen der industriellen Bioökonomie bündeln im bundesweiten Förderprojekt TransBIB ihre Kompetenzen. Ihr Ziel: Deutschlands Transformation zur industriellen Bioökonomie beschleunigen. Das Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) mit 5,6 Mio. EUR gefördert.

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Verhaltensökonomie: Nachhaltig leben im Privaten und Beruf

Auf vielen Vorsätzen für das neue Jahr steht möglicherweise auch der Wunsch, den Alltag im Privatleben und Beruf nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Was kann das genau bedeuten? Und welche Schritte können hilfreich sein, um das eigene Verhalten zu ändern? Im Interview mit Prof. Dr. Goerg erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Forschung aus der Verhaltensökonomie und dem Schwerpunktthema Nachhaltigkeit.

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Behavioral economics: more sustainability at home and at work

Many New Year’s resolutions may include the desire to make daily life more sustainable – both from a personal and professional aspect. What exactly does this mean? And what steps can be helpful in changing your own behavior? In this interview with Prof. Dr. Goerg, you will gain insights into research from the field of behavioral economics and the key topic of sustainability.

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