Anwendungen in der Kommunikationsakustik

Applications in Communication Acoustics

Language: Englisch
Location: Remote
Duration: 10 weeks
Start: November 2023
Cost: 30 €
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Explore the different system components involved in acoustic communication using a representative set of practical applications.
This engineering course is the continuation of the edX course “Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics.” Communication acoustics is defined as the way sounds travel from a source, through a channel and finally to a receiver.

In this follow-course, we will cover a representative set of practical applications and look at the different system components involved in acoustic communication.

What you will learn:

  • Room acoustics
  • Methods for spatial sound capture and presentation
  • Automatic speech recognition
  • Text-to-speech synthesis
  • Product sound design
  • Perceptual Audio Coding

Quick Infos

Here you will find all the information you need for this course.


  • Renowned Experts

    You will learn from leading scientists in the field of communication acoustics who work at the best technical universities in Germany.

  • Practical Applications

    You will explore in practice various system components involved in acoustic communication, such as room acoustics, speech recognition, sound design and audio coding.

  • Certificate from TUM

    After successfully passing the final exam, you will receive a certificate from the Technical University of Munich attesting to your competence in this field.

Program Overview

You can find all the important information about the certificate program here. Below you can find out the objectives of the program, the exact details of the process, what you will learn and which lecturers will teach you the content.

Aims of the certificate course

Here you will find information on the aims of this course and its content.

Top experts in the field of communication acoustics, all of whom are affiliated with the leading Universities of Technology in Germany, will take you through practical applications for communications acoustics. These include room acoustics, methods for spatial sound capture and presentation, automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, product sound design, and perceptual audio coding.

After completion of the course, you will have gained a broad understanding of the involved subdomains. You will be ready to pick a specialization for future in-depth study.


Here you will find information on dates, requirements and other general conditions for the certificate program.
Graduation:After successful completion of the final exam, participants will receive a certificate from the Technical University of Munich.
Target audience:People who are keenly interested in knowing the way how sounds travel from a source, through a channel, and finally to a receiver.
Participation fee:The program fee is 30 Euro. Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take the course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit.
Dates:Autumn, 2023
Study location:Online
Format & Timing:Online, 10 weeks
Admission requirements:The course assumes a good knowledge of the content found in the edX course, “Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics.” Target Group: People who are keenly interested in knowing the way how sounds travel from a source, through a channel, and finally to a receiver.

* Based on our experience, the German tax benefits help many of our participants to self-finance their education as these can be worth of up to 50% of tuition fees and program related travel costs. Please, consult your personal tax advisor for more details. For participants of our programs residing outside Germany this might be applicable, please check the situation with the local tax authorities in your country of residence.


Find out here how the course is structured and what the individual modules of the certificate program contain.

Module 1: Sound Recording and Reproduction

Module 2: Virtual acoustics I: Binaural Technology

Module 3: Virtual acoustics II: Sound Field Analysis and Synthesis

Module 4: Room Acoustics

Module 5: Room Simulation

Module 6: Application: Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Module 7: Product Sound Design

Module 8: Application of Psychoacoustics in Product Development

Module 9: Application: Perceptual Audio Coding

Keep me informed

Communication Acoustics

Explore the various system components involved in acoustic communication through a representative series of practical applications.


Even though I am studying acoustics, this online course was a good addition. It was always very interesting as I was able to dive into some topics a bit deeper than in my previous (non-virtual) courses. My knowledge on some topics became more solid and detailed.

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Contact person Vesna Gajic

Your contact

Vesna Gajic
Program Manager

Phone: +49 89 289 28474

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